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"I will travel..."

My story of Stanford's HCI class 2012

Start Building

The next step was to start to build a more functional prototype, which could be used for user testing. Part of the peer-assesment of the prototypes was to do an evaluation of the prototypes according to a method call heuristic evaluation. So this gave some valuable input on how to improve the prototypes and where to focus when building the next step.

Heuristic Evaluation

This is the feedback I got on my prototypes as part of the heuristic evaluation:

Feedback 1

# Heuristic Evaluation

## Prototype 1

* Control & freedom

Severity: 4

Design only allows to create one trip.

* Flexibility & efficiency

Severity: 2

Where do todos shown come from? Is there a way to set it, to populate it with
the right ones?

* Aesthetic & minimalist design

Severity: 1

Pictures for todo items might add noise without value.

* Help

Severity: 1

Some help for where the items are coming from would be nice.

## Prototype 2

* Show system status

Severity: 3

The completion state is only at the bottom of the document and while sections
are added there is no completion shown.

* Control & freedom

Severity: 2

No way to remove sections

No way to navigate to sections other than scrolling through the document.

* Flexibility & efficiency

Severity: 3

Where do todos shown come from? Is there a way to set it, to populate it with
the right ones?

* Help

Severity: 2

It might not always be obvious how the narrative is constructed, what the
sections do, and what the consequences are of adding sections or todo items.
Some help would be helpful here.

## Comparative feedback

The first prototype has clearer navigation and provides better status
information. The second prototype might be closer to how users see the world by
creating the narrative. But at the same time it's probably harder to make users
understand the workflow, because it's kind of unusual.

Feedback 2

- I don't understand the connection between the map and the to-dos
listed below this section. It's mainly a problem with the label "Map",
and I'd suggest calling it something more descriptive (e.g. Planning,
- The edit button inside the header of the main screen is a good idea,
however I would expect the whole box to be clickable and lead to some
sort of input option. You can probably just make the text field
editable on click which would increase efficiency without losing
- There is no way to edit to-do-items. Users might mistype or need to
change something.
- It's not clear where the to-dos come from. I assume some of them are
auto-suggestions which is a good idea but I miss some sort of marking
them as such. That would make things more obvious, and avoid confusion
regarding automatic vs manual entries. I could imagine deleting the
wrong items or wondering about how on earth I came up with a
particular task...
- I miss a profile screen that shows where all the auto-generated
content comes from. At least the pictures will have to be imported
from somewhere. Can the user tweak the suggestions for to-dos? A user
could set something like: no socks needed above 20° C, double the
amount of t-shirts instead.

- I like the storytelling approach for the trip in combination with
the "set-up wizard". I'd keep that! :)
- It is not obvious what the sections are, and what they are good for.
In the end, it boils down to a list of stuff to sort out before
traveling. Maybe an auto-sorted list could work better than forcing
the user into pre-defined categories, or displaying all categories
right after the trip details are entered; even if they are empty.
Categories are much more obvious in the first prototype.
- I don't see an option to edit the trip details. Ideally, clicking on
the "story" would enable editing.
- The option to delete or edit to-do-items is missing.
- The summary is hidden way down at the bottom. It's an important
piece of information, I'd move it up - maybe straight above or below
the map.

In my opinion, prototype no. 1 works better. It's more obvious in many
ways and feels less clunky. However, the wizard and the resulting
"story" in prototype no. 2 are great ideas. I suggest merging them
into the 1st proto, and build from there.

Feedback 3

Feedback Assignment 2

Prototype 1


Visibility of system status:
* Are changes instantly saved? Maybe this should be shown by notifications

Details screen:

User control and freedom:
* How does the user get back to the overview?

Help and documentation:
* How do users know that clicking the items shows an in-place editor?

Main navigation screen:

User control and freedom:
* Can sections be added/removed/sorted? If yes, how?

Start screen:

Match between system and the real world:
* It could be helpful to have a "from:" and "to:" at the date widgets to make
clear, which widget is settings which date.

User control and freedom:
* I assume there will be an overview of planned trips. Then the start screen
also needs a back button.

Prototype 2

User control and freedom
* At "add item" and "at section" it's not clear to me if and how the action
can be cancelled.
* How can the place, date or items be edited/deleted?

Visibility of system status:
* Could be helpful to inform users about instant save (assuming it does it this

Flexibility and efficiency of use:

* Mandatory data could be requested without having to slide out the widgets

Planned Changes

I chose to implement Prototype 1, using some elements of Prototype 2, and came up with a plan how to address the results of the heuristic evaluation:

Evaluation 1

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 3

Implementation Plan

As a first step to build the prototype I made an implementation plan.


As a first prototype of the real application I implemented the core of the application in Rails and ran it on Heroku.

Implementation Plan

After a week of work the prototype was there and the implementaiton plan looked like this: